Work Groups

Work-groups are effectively the design equivalent to Code-Owners. Each work group is made up from maintainers that volunteer to upkeep the documentation and guidelines related to that area of the game. If you have a question about something related to one of the department/game areas feel free to message a member of its work group to get an authoritative answer.

Each work group is responsible for maintaining corresponding design and pr guidelines documents in the docs repo that outlines the current and intended design for that game area, along with what is acceptible design/quality for a PR in that game area. Maintainers that are not part of any work groups are generalists, and while they might not be fully up to date with the design of a game-area they can still help answer questions.

Current Work Groups


Group Members
Accessibility Bhijn & Myr(deathride58), AJCM
Admin Tooling Jezithyr, Chief-Engineer, Vasilis, Julian, Bhijn & Myr(deathride58)
Art EmoGarbage, Flareguy
Character/Species Jezithyr, Lank, Vasilis, KeronSHB, Bhijn & Myr(deathride58), AJCM
Combat Jezithyr, EmoGarbage, AJCM, KeronSHB, Bhijn & Myr(deathride58)
Player Interaction
Mapping Emisse
Roleplay/Lore Lank, KeronSHB, Vasilis
Round Flow Jezithyr, EmoGarbage, Tayrthan, KeronSHB, Bhijn & Myr(deathride58), AJCM
User InterfaceJezithyr, EmoGarbage, AJCM, Julian, Bhijn & Myr(deathride58)


Group Members
Atmos Jezithyr, KeronSHB, notafet(Partmedia)
Command KeronSHB, EmoGarbage, Vasilis
Engineering Jezithyr, Julian, AJCM, KeronSHB
Medical Jezithyr, Vasilis, AJCM
ScienceJezithyr, EmoGarbage, AJCM, Tayrtahn
Security Lank(LankLTE), KeronSHB
Service AJCM, Tayrtahn, notafet(Partmedia)

For maintainers:

Work-groups are non exclusive, you can be in as many or as few as you want, however you should expect to be able to answer questions and be involved in the design of the area’s that you have selected.

If you are not in a pr’s associated work-group you can still review the PR, however you should make sure to read the relevant design documentation and PR guidelines before doing a review. Ideally, you should leave associated PRs to be reviewed by their work-group members, but it’s fine to merge something as long as it fits the design and meets the guidelines.

If you plan on being involved with a workgroup for a long time, please add yourself to the above list. Likewise, if you are on the list and leave the workgroup with no intention of returning to it, you should remove yourself from the list.
